Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events



Fall Fest

  • Friday, October 4th
  • 3:30 – 6:30PM
  • TPS Playground

Homecoming Soccer Game vs. Racine Horlick

  • Friday, October 4th
  • 6:30PM
  • Rudd Soccer Complex

If you plan on attending Fall Fest, please register here so we can plan accordingly!

Alumni Thanksgiving


Wednesday, November 27th

  • 4:00 – 6:00PM
  • Location TBD

If you’re in town for Thanksgiving, we’d love to have you join us for happy hour! With 30+ attendees each year, the Soirée is becoming a popular tradition and a wonderful way to connect with alumni from all decades.

Home for the Holidays: Winter Break Edition

Coming back to Racine for a December/January visit? Include Prairie on your list of places to visit. More details will be available soon, but the fun will include:

12 Days Celebration:

  • Friday, December 20th
  • Johnson Athletic Center (JAC)
  • 10:00AM Coffee and Doughnuts
  • 11:00AM Assembly

Caroling and Cookies

  • Details soon!

Alumni Basketball Game

  • Details soon!

Premiere 2025

Saturday, April 26th

  • 5:00PM – Late
  • Johnson Athletic Center (JAC)

Our annual fundraising gala is not to be missed! Special alumni ticket pricing will be available beginning February 2025, so mark your calendar and start getting your group together!

Alumni Weekend

Friday and Saturday, June 13th and 14th

Come to campus for a celebration of all things Prairie, including the completion of our 60th year! There’s a lot of new and exciting features in store this year; make sure we have your updated email address so you’re always in the loop!

Alumni Gatherings

We know that our grads can’t always make it back to Wind Point – so we want to come visit YOU! A list of cities are in the works, but top on our list:


New York


Is there a group of TPS grads in your area? Contact Trista Deuster ‘16, Assistant Director of Events and Alumni Relations to get your city on the list!