Creating Inktober art. Enjoying theater. Listening to live music. Participating in fitness classes. Taking cutting-edge classes like Glassblowing and Robotic Design. Serving your community. Discussing and debating the world around you. Mo Hawk shaking his tail feather in the Upper School Commons.
Are you ready to experience high school at TPS?
Current 7th and 8th grade students (and their parents!) are invited to join us on Monday, October 18th from 6:00-8:00PM for this one-of-a-kind look at student life here on campus. Parents are invited to stick around for coffee and conversation with key Upper School administrators. Pre-registration is required!
We can’t wait to meet you!
Can’t Make It To
The Showcase On 10/18?
Visit us in Wind Point for a personalized tour!
Phone: (262) 752-2577
Email: admission@prairieschool.com
What Are Our Upper School Students Up To?