Performing Arts at Prairie

Performing Arts

Stage lights are bright, but our students shine brighter.

It takes hard work, practice, and patience to be a performer. For our youngest students, learning sound and rhythm happens nearly every day. In Middle School, vocal and instrumental opportunities expand and create a rich musical curriculum. For a typical Upper School musical, casting and rehearsals begin in November, with performances taking place in March – all of it happening alongside college preparatory academics. Performing Arts allow students to discover who they are as an artist while they sing, play, compose, act, script, practice, design, and construct.

Putting together a show, a concert, or a performance at Prairie takes dedicated resources, many of which require significant financial resources. A gift to the Performing Arts department ensures our students will always have what they need to deliver on stage, in the pit, or behind the scenes. 

Gifts to Performing Arts support:

  • Visiting Artist series, which brings world-class performers into the classroom 
  • Rights to shows, including popular Broadway musicals, for Middle & Upper School
  • Multiple instruments in the music rooms for all divisions
  • Music rights for strings, band and choir
  • Updates to the theater include sound system, lighting and safety equipment

Leadership Giving

If you are interested in directing a larger gift to the Performing Arts Departments that supports Prairie’s commitment to excellence, please contact Callie Atanasoff, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement.

Leadership Giving

If you are interested in directing a larger gift to the Performing Arts Departments that supports Prairie’s commitment to excellence, please contact Callie Atanasoff, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement.

A Lifetime of Impact

The impact you hope to have on Prairie can determine the type of gift you’d like to make. Below are two options that ensure our school can operate for years to come, and allow you to leave a legacy of support for Prairie.

Endowed Gifts

Prairie’s endowment operates like a long-term savings account, where the school uses a portion of the interest to fund daily operations, faculty development, and scholarships. The endowment is a critical part of Prairie’s past, present, and future stability. Our annual budget incorporates endowment income as a key piece of our overall revenue.

Gifts or pledges of any size may be made to the general endowment; with a gift or five-year pledge at $25,000 and more, a donor may choose to create a named fund with their contributions, which can be made at any point in the year using a variety of gift vehicles – from cash to appreciated securities.

Endowed Gifts

Prairie’s endowment operates like a long-term savings account, where the school uses a portion of the interest to fund daily operations, faculty development, and scholarships. The endowment is a critical part of Prairie’s past, present, and future stability. Our annual budget incorporates endowment income as a key piece of our overall revenue.

Gifts or pledges of any size may be made to the general endowment; with a gift or five-year pledge at $25,000 and more, a donor may choose to create a named fund with their contributions, which can be made at any point in the year using a variety of gift vehicles – from cash to appreciated securities.

Planned Gifts

Many supporters of the school have named Prairie as a beneficiary of their will or estate plan. There are a variety of ways to do this, many of which are low- or no-cost. If TPS is already a part of your estate plan, please let us know so that we can express our gratitude; if you want to learn more about exploring this option, please contact Callie Atanasoff, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement.

Planned Gifts

Many supporters of the school have named Prairie as a beneficiary of their will or estate plan. There are a variety of ways to do this, many of which are low- or no-cost. If TPS is already a part of your estate plan, please let us know so that we can express our gratitude; if you want to learn more about exploring this option, please contact Callie Atanasoff, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement.