Prairie has a Registered Nurse on campus every day school is in session. Her office is located inside the Primary School Office.

Julianne Smith, RN
School Nurse
P: 262-752-2660
F: 262-752-2661

Michelle McCarthy, RN
Part-time School Nurse
(262) 752-2660
Health Policies
- Prescription Medication Request (download here)
- Peanut Policy (download here)
- Health and Medication Policy (download here)
- Ill Child Policy (download here)
- Asthma Plan (download here)
- Emergency Allergy Plan (download here)
Physical exams are required for our students every two years. To access the date of your child’s last physical, log into your PowerSchool account and click on “Student Information” in the left toolbar. Next, click on “Health and Medical Information.” You will find the date of your child’s last physical in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
If your child did not have a physical last year, please plan to schedule an appointment soon and submit the required forms listed below before the first day of school.
- Physician Physical (download here)
Health Information in PowerSchool
Please confirm that your student’s health information (allergies, current medication, emergency contacts, etc) is verified and updated in PowerSchool. To access PowerSchool, click here. If you’ve forgotten your login information, please contact the Registrar at (262) 752-2551.