Mini Masters
Interested in exposing your child to developmental concepts like physical expression, creativity, and the world around them?
Let us introduce our 2024-25 TPS Mini Masters Series!
We’re excited to continue our popular Mini Masters programming for the 2024-25 school year. For prospective students and families, these up-tempo classes with Prairie faculty will introduce children ages 2 to 3 to a variety of important concepts, while also affording parents and kids the chance to participate in some of Primary School’s favorite activities and lessons!
All classes will take place on The Prairie School campus (4050 Lighthouse Drive, Wind Point), beginning at either 8:00AM and 9:30AM. Sessions will typically last between 45 minutes and 1 hour. All Mini Masters will have the option to receive an individually-packaged snack and drink. Classes are $18 per child.
Please note:
Space is limited & pre-registration is required for all classes.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate drop-ins.
Children must be 2 years of age by the time of your session.
Strike a (Beginner's) Pose | Yoga | 11/16/24
Kelsey Cassidy, 1st Grade Teacher & Yoga Instructor
Go For the Goal | Soccer | 1/18/25
Joe Manley, Kindergarten Teacher & Girls’ & Boys’ Varsity Soccer Coach
Past Courses