Unique Offerings

Leadership and Outdoor Environmental Education Program

Being pushed to one’s personal limits, exploring boundaries, learning to rely on others, developing leadership skills, and discovering the inner strength to be self-reliant are the major themes of our Upper School Environmental Education Program. Students learn about themselves and the environment in the beautiful wilderness setting of Camp Manito-wish (Boulder Junction, WI), where they spend four days interacting with nature and learning cooperatively with their peers. The curriculum includes ropes courses for freshmen and overnight backpacking, canoeing, and kayaking trips for upperclassmen. For more information, please contact Neal Johnson, Upper School Mathematics Teacher.


January Term (J-Term): Immediately following winter break, students engage in a two-week alternative learning experience that provides hands-on, deep-dive focus in topics the School cannot offer in the regular curriculum. Course options vary widely and may be on or off campus. J-Term is a graduation requirement for all Upper School students each year and will appear as a graded course on students’ transcripts.

Malone Schools Online Network

As one of the few schools in the country receiving a Malone Scholars Program endowment, Prairie is able to participate in the Malone Schools Online Network. Offering courses like Ancient GreekCreative Writing in the Digital AgeMedical Bioethics and Philosophy in Pop Culture, the MSON bolsters Prairie’s already robust curriculum. This is an outstanding opportunity for highly motivated, disciplined, and often highly accomplished students to take live-time courses with peers from around the country in subjects that high schools cannot typically offer. MSON courses are available to juniors and seniors only. For more information, please contact Adam Stout, Co-Director of College Counseling.

Fine and Performing Arts Programs

Our curriculum includes chorus, orchestra/jazz ensemble, acting, theatrical make-up, directing, technical theatre, and AP music theory. Our Fine Arts offerings include painting, glassblowing, photography, ceramics, drawing, printmaking, and design. Upper School theatrical productions with auditions are open to all students. Major productions have included such classics as “The Miracle Worker,” “Blithe Spirit,” “A Piece of My Heart,” “Cabaret,” “Once Upon a Mattress,” “Anything Goes,” and “Curtains.” Our theatre program also features annual student-directed plays. Both Fine and Performing Arts courses utilize visiting artists and field trips to enhance learning.

Visit the Arts Section of our website to learn more!

Honor Code

The students, faculty, and administration of the Prairie School collectively value the school’s identity as a unique academic and social environment upheld by the pillars of honesty, integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and shared trust among all members of the community. In order to maintain such an environment, members of the Prairie School community hereby pledge to abide by the following statements:

  1. Students will maintain the integrity, trust, and openness characteristic of the Prairie School community by:
    1. Respecting the physical and intellectual property of peers, faculty, administration, and school.
    2. Treating faculty and peers with respect.
    3. Conducting themselves in an honorable manner in academic and social situations by:
      1. Not plagiarizing, cheating, or receiving other forms of unauthorized assistance on any academic assessment.
      2. Refraining from placing peers in situations where they may break the honor code, such as by asking them to cheat or steal.
    4. Being truthful within the community.
  2. Students are encouraged to foster integrity by:
    1. Addressing peers about possible violations of the Honor Code.
    2. Reaching out to the faculty for assistance in addressing any activity that is detrimental to the Prairie School community.
  3. Faculty and administration will work to provide an environment of trust, honesty, and openness by:
    1. Removing any and all ambiguity from all form of academic assessment and clearly defining the parameters of each assignment or assessment.
    2. Clearly defining their expectations when it comes to group or individual assignments or assessments as well as behavior within and outside the classroom.

I, ______________________,  pledge to uphold the pillars of honesty, integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and shared trust among the Prairie School community.

College Counseling

Our college counseling begins freshman year when students and their families become familiar with our college process.  The program provides the guidance and direction needed to make informed choices, as well assistance with the application process.  Approximately 70 colleges from across the U.S. visit our campus so that our students are informed and presented with a breadth of opportunities.  One-on-one counseling sessions explore a student’s abilities, skills, and interests.  Our goal is to ensure each student has made an informed and confident decision when transitioning into the next phase of their educational careers.

Visit the College Counseling Section of our website to learn more!

Advisory Program

Prairie has a comprehensive advisor/advocacy program to help guide our students’ growth. Advisors meet with their students daily to discuss academic performance and social issues, and set personal goals. Advisors also maintain regular contact with parents to ensure the “communication triangle” is complete.

Prairie Leadership Society

The Prairie Leadership Society is a selective program for students who are dedicated to positively representing Prairie. The Society is comprised of 7th-12th grade students who are in academic good standing, active members of the student body, and exhibit enthusiasm for being a Prairie Hawk.  Election to the Society is based upon application, faculty recommendation, and a brief interview. Click here to learn more.

Co-Curricular Activities (Sports & Clubs)

Upper School students may choose to participate in a variety of extracurricular clubs, as well as interscholastic sports. While the athletic competition is intense, a school-wide no-cut policy encourages participation and camaraderie as student-athletes begin learning and focusing on the finer points of their favorite sports.

Click here for a full listing of clubs available to Upper School students.

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Middle & Upper School
Visit Day!

Every single day here is an adventure.
We invite you to come see for yourself on Thursday, April 24th.
Spots are limited & registration is required. 
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