Every member of the Prairie community — including students in all three divisions — pledges to live by the school’s Honor Code, a set of expectations laid forth to maintain a peaceful and collaborative environment for learning.
The Upper School is home to Prairie’s Honor Committee, comprised of eleven peer-elected students in Grades 10-12, is responsible for upholding the pillars of honesty, integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and shared trust among all members of the community. This group and a faculty advisor meet to review issues of cheating, plagiarism, theft, and vandalism. If a student is accused of an honor violation, the Honor Committee is convened to review the situation.
Honor Code
The students, faculty, and administration of the Prairie School collectively value the school’s identity as a unique academic and social environment upheld by the pillars of honesty, integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and shared trust among all members of the community. In order to maintain such an environment, members of the Prairie School community hereby pledge to abide by the following statements:
- Students will maintain the integrity, trust, and openness characteristic of the Prairie School community by:
- Respecting the physical and intellectual property of peers, faculty, administration, and school.
- Treating faculty and peers with respect.
- Conducting themselves in an honorable manner in academic and social situations by:
- Not plagiarizing, cheating, providing, or receiving other forms of unauthorized assistance on any academic assessment.
- Refraining from placing peers in situations where they may break the honor code, such as by asking them to cheat or steal.
- Being truthful within the community.
- Students are encouraged to foster integrity by:
- Addressing peers about possible violations of the Honor Code.
- Reaching out to the faculty for assistance in addressing any activity that is detrimental to the Prairie School community.
- Faculty and administration will work to provide an environment of trust, honesty, and openness by:
- Removing any and all ambiguity from all form of academic assessment and clearly defining the parameters of each assignment or assessment.
- Clearly defining their expectations when it comes to group or individual assignments or assessments as well as behavior within and outside the classroom.
I, ______________________, pledge to uphold the pillars of honesty, integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and shared trust among the Prairie School community.
Click here to read a detailed outline of The Prairie School Academic Honesty Standard & Honor System in the Prairie School Family Handbook.